The privacy policy of or its affiliates defines the ways in which we gather, accumulate, use and protect user’s own personal data and it is important for him/or her to review it before using any of our elements.

We might modify our privacy policy at any given time by appointing a revised version on the site. The modified version will be active at the time we post it and, following such posting, the user continued use of the site will express his or her consent to to continue processing his or her personal information in accordance with the terms of our revised privacy policy. It is advisable to keep checking if the site has modified or changed its privacy policy.

Anonymous information will not be considered constitutional personal information as it wouldn’t be used to identify a specific being. Personal information is collected from the user when he or she use or any other facilities related to its website or application (including, without limitation, when you buy and sell items when and if applied).

By providing us with his or her personal information he or she explicitly grant us the permission to process his or her private data in agreement with the terms of our privacy policy.

Bahrainiindustri use of the user private personal data

  1. Bahrainiindustri only use the user personal information to provide services and customer support to the him or her; ; to prevent illegal activities and implement our user agreement with the user to measure and improve our services to him or her; troubleshoot problems; provide him or her with promotional emails and verify information he or she gives us with third parties and collect fees. We may share some of the personal data he or she gives us with banks or credit card authorization, processing and verification services or with third parties for fraud screening purposes.
  2. Bahrainiindustri make every effort to guard the user privacy, we may need to disclose his or her personal information to law enforcement agencies, government agencies or other third parties where we are obliged so to do by court order or similar legal procedure; where we are required to reveal his or her personal data to comply with the law; where we are collaborating with an ongoing law enforcement investigation or where we confident that our leak of his or her personal data is necessary to prevent physical damage or financial harm, to report supposed illegal action or to investigate a possible abuse of our User Agreement.
  3. In the event of an RFQ action or a sale on or any of its affiliates and subsidiaries or any linked business assets, his or her personal data may be revealed to any potential procurer for the purposes of the continued provision of the Site or otherwise in relation to any such sale action.
    We may share his or her personal information with our associated companies so as to provide combined content and services to him or her, to help identify any illegal acts and/or any defilement of our policies. 

    This contact data will be the personal data provided by the user to us on registration and, as a consequence, must always be kept up-to-date.
  4. In addition, information connected to objects he or she is purchasing or selling or auctions he or she is participating in shall be displayed on the Site. This information can include details of his or her user ID, feedback ratings and associated comments relating to his or her use of the platform. Otherwise, we will only reveal his or her personal data to a third party with his or her prompt permission.
  5. By signing into Bahrainiindustri, he or she gives it his or her prompt agreement to receive promotional emails about its activities and emails publicizing changes to, and new features on the Site. 
    If, at any time, he or she choose not wish to receive any such emails, he or she can choose not to receive such emails by clicking on the concerned button.
  6. Bahrainiindustri has the right to use comments made by him or her about the Site content for publicity purposes and by making such comments you expressly consent to our using such comments for marketing purposes.

The use of his or her and other users’ personal data

  1. Bahrainiindustri members may need to share personal data (including financial information) with each other to complete transactions on the site. He or she must respect, at all times, the confidentiality of other Site members.
  2. Bahrainiindustri does not guard the privacy of his or her personal data when he or she shares it with other Site members so he or she has to always seek information on the privacy and security policies of any other Site members with whom he or she is communicating before sharing any of his or her personal data with them.
  3. This privacy policy does not cover your release of your personal information to another Site member.
  4. The user agrees to use any personal data received from another Site member in relation to a transaction on the Site solely in relation to such transaction and shall not use the information received from another Site member for any other purposes (except with the prompt consent of the other Site member).
  5. The user of Bahrainiindustri site recognize and approve that the use of personal information received from another Site member in accordance with all applicable laws.

Accessing, reviewing and amending user’s personal data

The user can access and review his or her personal data in the My Account section of the Site.
If his or her personal data is wrongly presented on the Site he or she should instantly update or correct his or her personal data (as applicable) by retrieving the My Account section on the Site or, alternatively, by communicating Bahrainiindustri customer support team.
The “Customer Support” link at Site webpage contains the site customer support email and phone details.

Please note that we shall recollect your personal data during and following the end of your use of the Site as required to comply with law, for technical troubleshooting requirements, to prevent fraud, to assist in any legal investigations and to take any other actions otherwise permitted by law.

Protecting user’s personal data

  1. Bahrainiindustri holds the user personal data on private servers. By providing us with personal data, the user permits to the transfer of his or her personal data to, and its storage on, our servers. We at Bahrainiindustri take every measure to protect all user personal data from unauthorized access, use or revelation.
  2. All personal data is encrypted.
    However, the Internet domain is not a secure medium and Bahrainiindustri does not guarantee the privacy of the user’s personal data.
  3. The user must enter his or her username and password each time they want to access his or her account or operate a transactions on the site.
  4. The user must choose his or her password carefully using random numbers, letters plus special characters.
  5. The user must never share his or her username and password with anyone.
  6. If the user is concerned that his or her username or password has been hacked, they must contact the customer support team immediately and ensure they change his or her password by logging onto the My Account section of the site.

Bahrainiindustri gathering of user’s personal data

  1. When and if registering on the Site, the user will be asked to provide Bahrainiindustri with specific personal data, such as name of the user, shipping address, email address and/or telephone number and other similar data as well as some additional data about him or her such as date of birth or other identifying information.
    Additionally, in order for the website management to verify the user identity, it may need to request from him or her valid proof of identification such as a copy of the user’s passport, national ID card or resident’s visa or permit, and/or driver’s license).
  2. Bahrainiindustri will collect selected financial information from the user, such as credit card and/or bank account details.
  3. The user must insert this financial information into the “My Account” section of the website.
    This financial information will be used by Bahrainiindustri for billing purposes and for the fulfillment of your orders or any paid services provided by the website. 

    Following registration on the Bahrainiindustri website, the user must not post any personal information (including any financial information) anywhere on the Site other than on the My Account section of the Site. 
    Restricting the posting of personal data to the My Account section of the Site will protect the against fraud or identity theft. Therefore; the posting of any personal data anywhere on the Site other than on the My Account section of the Site may lead to the suspension of the user’s use of the Site.
  4. Bahrainiindustri will collect transactional information based on the users activities using the Site (such as buying and selling items or any other solicited activities), This transactional information is used solely in relation to the transactions he or she undertake on the website.
  5. Bahrainiindustri may use the user’s Internet protocol (or IP) address (which is a unique number assigned to your computer server or your Internet service provider (or ISP)) to analyze his or her trends and improve the administration of the website
  6. Bahrainiindustri will also collect information about the user’s computer or smart phone such as browser type and other navigation information (for example, the pages he or she frequently visit on the website) along with the times that it has been accessed.

Bahrainiindustri management has the right to collect additional information from or about the user through other channels , not specifically mentioned here. For example, it may collect information related to your contact with our customer support team or store results when you respond to a survey. 
Bahrainiindustri has the right to collect feedback ratings and other comments relating to your use of the Site.
Where Bahrainiindustri aggregate personal information for statistical purposes.

Third party website links

Bahrainiindustri may contain links to other websites this is to convey that our website is not responsible for the privacy practices of such websites. We urge the users strongly when they browse any of those sites to read the privacy statements of each and every one they visit if intended to provide personal information to that website. Bahrainiindustri privacy policy applies exclusively to the user’s personal information that are collected on its website.

Inquiries about Bahrainiindustri privacy

If a user have questions or inquiries about the collection and use of his or her personal data, he or she can contact Bahrainiindustri customer support group at the “Customer Support” link dedicated to answer such inquiries on the website.

No tolerance of Spam or Spoof emails

Bahrainiindustri does not tolerate spam. To report Site related spam or spoof emails, please forward the email to spam@ or spoof@ The user is prohibited from using Bahrainiindustri communication gears to send spam or otherwise send content that would violate our User Agreement. Bahrainiindustri continuously monitor and may manually filter messages to check for spam, viruses, phishing attacks and other malicious activity or illegal or prohibited content.


  1. Like many websites, the Site uses ‘cookie’ technology (small computer files placed on your computer’s hard drive). When you go to particular website pages on the Site, the cookie identifies your browser with a unique, random number.
  2. The cookies we use do not reveal any personal information about you. Cookies help us improve your experience of the Site and also help us understand which parts of the Site are the most popular. You are always free to decline our cookies if your browser permits, although doing so may interfere with your use of the Site.